
shine a light

shine a light  |  foto van plastic verpakking op papier op lichtbak
digitaal licht bewerkt  |  origineel 16 mp  |  aha 300421

When I'm tired and all alone, Lord, shine a light on me
And when I'm lonesome as can be, Lord, shine a light on me

Jason Pierce (Spiritualized; Lazer Guided Melodies) 1991

foto plastic verpakking op lichtbak  |  close up  |  origineel 24 mp  |  aha 300421


zonder titel

zonder titel  |  acryl op stro- en papierpulp-mat op hardboard-paneel
64 x 64 x 0,8 cm. |  foto-presentatie op muur  |  aha 150421



waste  |  foto [ Bleiswijk 040421 ] digitaal omgezet in zwart-wit  |  origineel 16 mp
aha 140421

April is the cruellest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Dull roots with spring rain.

T. S. Eliot: from "The Waste Land" 1922


zonder titel [in metal]

zonder titel [ in metal ]  |  acryl op papier met papaverblaadjes-collage
39 x 49 cm. |  in lijst 53 x 63 cm. |  aha 010421

filling holes with tiny sounds
shining from the inside out
picture of you where it began
in metal, in metal

partly hate to see you grow
and just like your baby shoes
wish I could keep your little body
in metal, in metal

Low; "things we lost in the fire" 2001

drie keer 'zonder titel' |  aha februari-maart 2021